Why Suspended Ceilings?

Suspended ceilings are made up of a gridded galvanised steel framework which is suspended by wire from the soffit above. Lightweight ceiling tiles are then dropped into place. Ceiling tiles can be manufactured from a variety of materials such as mineral fibre, metal, fibreglass, plastic or even wood and can be purchased in a wide range of colors. Usually tile measurements are 600x600mm or 1200x600mm but other sizes are also available too. They are very easy to cut and are ideal for mounting downlights and sprinklers. Suspended ceilings are popular not only because of ease of installation and comtemporary feel but because they provide an area between the soffit and ceiling which is known as the plenum space, which can then be used to keep unsightly piping, electrical wiring and HVAC out of view.

For more: Suspended Ceilings

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